WAC Arts Education Scholarship
Download the instructions and application below!
Williamsburg Arts Council Arts Scholarship
The Williamsburg Arts Council is dedicated to supporting the next generation of talented artists through its annual scholarship program. Our scholarships provide financial assistance to high school seniors in the Greater Williamsburg Area who are passionate about pursuing an undergraduate degree in the arts. Eligible applicants must be graduating in 2024 from an accredited high school in James City County, Williamsburg, the Bruton area of upper York County, or Grove, and must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. Candidates are required to submit a completed application, along with a recommendation from an arts faculty member and proof of acceptance to an accredited college or university.
To qualify for the Williamsburg Arts Council Scholarship, students must be in good academic standing and fully committed to furthering their education in the arts. Homeschool students are also encouraged to apply and can contact WAC23187@gmail.com for specific application instructions. We aim to empower young artists to achieve their creative and academic goals, while promoting the growth of the arts community in our region.